Berg Go2 Ride and Pedal Scooter SparX Yellow


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The Berg GO2 SparX Yellow is a delightful combination of a walking car and a pedal car, designed to engage children from 10 months to 30 months. Let’s explore its exciting features:

  • Ride and Pedal Fun: Children can start their journey on the GO² with the pedals neatly folded up, allowing them to scoot around. Once they’ve mastered this activity, simply fold out the pedals, and they can learn to pedal while playing
  • Stable and Safe: With its four wheels, the BERG GO² offers excellent stability. Even the smallest kids can enjoy a secure ride. Safety is paramount, and this little go-kart delivers.
  • Long-Lasting Playtime: The textured saddle ensures that children can sit comfortably without sliding off. As your child grows, so does the GO2—it adapts to their changing needs.
  • Whisper-Quiet tyres: The four EVA whisper tyres provide a stable grip on various surfaces, ensuring a smooth ride. Plus, these tyres never go flat!
  • Indoor and Outdoor Adventures: Whether indoors or outdoors, the BERG GO² is ready for action. Its compact design allows easy manoeuvring around furniture and obstacles.

Product Name: BERG GO2 SparX Yellow
User Age: 10-30 months

Weight2 kg



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