Berg Go2 Ride and Pedal Scooter Pink


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Berg GO2 Pink: The Perfect Ride & Pedal Companion

The Berg GO2 Pink is a delightful combination of a walking car and a pedal car, designed to engage children from 10 months to 30 months. Let’s explore its exciting features:

  • Ride & Pedal Fun: Children can start their journey on the GO2 with the pedals neatly folded up, allowing them to scoot around. Once they’ve mastered this activity, simply fold out the pedals, and they can learn to pedal while playing
  • Stable and Safe: With its four wheels, the BERG GO2 offers excellent stability. Even the smallest kids can enjoy a secure ride. Safety is paramount, and this little go-kart delivers.
  • Long-Lasting Playtime: The textured saddle ensures that children can sit comfortably without sliding off. As your child grows, so does the BERG GO2 pink—it adapts to their changing needs.
  • Whisper-Quiet Tires: The four EVA whisper tires provide a stable grip on various surfaces, ensuring a smooth ride. Plus, these tires never go flat!
  • Indoor and Outdoor Adventures: Whether indoors or outdoors, the BERG GO2 is ready for action. Its compact design allows easy maneuvering around furniture and obstacles.

Product Name: BERG GO2 Pink
User Age: 10-30 months



Weight2 kg



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